Like most towns on the Lycian coast Kas lies wedged between mountains and sea. Kas, once ancient Antiphellus, still exhibits a few remains of the old settlement. An ancient theatre on Kas'long peninsula is within walking distance of the town.

Kekova, "home of the sun", is an island an hour from Dalyanagzi by sea, as well as the name of a whole ensemble of picturesque islands, numerous bays and ancient cities. These bays provide natural harbors in all seasons, and yachtsmen particularly enjoy e xploring the unspoilt landscapes. Along the northern shore of Kekova Island, at Apollonia, earthquakes have disturbed the land causing some of the ancient houses to sink under the clear water, creating a sunken city. Kalekoy Castle (ancient Simena) offers a bird's-eye view of the bays, inlets, islands and colorful yachts, sailing peacefully on the glassy water. The colors in a Van Gogh painting, blue skies, orange sunsets, starry nights,peace and tranquility, playful dolphins, mythological mysteries, and the sparkling sea- Kekova provides all this and more.

At Demre (Kale), the ancient Myra, (25 km west of Finike), many splendidly carved rock tombs overlook the magnificent Roman theatre. St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) was the bishop of this Meditterranean city during the fourth century and died here in 342. An o fficial entryport, Finike is surrounded by citrus trees and gardens. Thirty-two kilometers from the Finike Marina lie the remains of the beautiful and ancient Lycian city of Arikanda. This excursion inland, a mountain trek, rewards you with superb views, fabulous ruins and fresh mountain air.

Slipping around the Kirlangic Peninsula brings you into the Gulf of Antalya. The first side you come to is the ancient city of Olympos, on the southern side of Mt. Tahtali(Mt. Olympos). Oleander and laurel bushes shade the Olympos Valley, which you can ap proach by land as well as by sea. Nearby at Yanartas (at a height of 300 meters), according to mythology the Lycian hero Bellerophon, mounted on his winged horse Pegasus slew the fire-breathing monster, Chimaera. Gas which seeps from the earth burns brigh tly at night. The Byzantines also considered this place a religious area.

Alexander the Great's favorite winter resort was at Phaselis, the famous ancient commercial harbor north of Olympos. From the south of the harbor, look up at Mt. Tahtali for a spectacular view. Sail on to Kemer, a resort town carefully designed to blend i n with the surrounding scenery, that offers an ideal environment for a wonderful holiday. The fully equipped Kemer Turban Marina has facilities for all activities so that yachtsmen can enjoy the unspoilt bays and beaches south of the town. Shoppers will d elight at the wonderful range of high-quality souvenirs. April is the month of the colorful Kemer Carnival. Also in the spring are the yacht races between Kemer and Girne in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Sailing around this coast towards Antalya will give you a glimpse of some of Turkey's most modern and luxurious holiday villages. Antalya, Turkey's principal holiday resort city on the Mediterranean, embodies the contrast between the majestic coastline of beaches and rocky coves, and the towering Taurus Mountains. The ancient Attaleia, named after King Attalus II of Pergamon, Antalya was founded in the 2nd century B.C. Today palm-lined boulevards, beautiful parks, historical buildings, monuments, museums and the picturesque old quarter Kaleici, (with the Kaleici Turban and Leisure Center, which has won several awards, is considered one of the most beautiful marinas in Turkey; Setur Marina, the other marina in Antalya, is, on the other hand, quiet and peac eful; but both welcome yof after your unforgettable voyage in the turquoise paradise of Turkey's water.

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