Ingredients                 Measure          Amount

              Sugar                      2 1/4 cups           450 g
              Water                      1 1/2 cups           350 g
              Lemon                     2 teaspoons            10 g
              Kadayif (shredded
               pastry)                                        500 g
              Butter or
               margarine                      1 cup           200 g
              White cheese (un-
              salted)                    1 2/3 cups           375 g

Combine sugar and water in a saucepan. Stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Boil gently for 5 minutes. Add lemon juice; stir. Boil for 1 minute. Set aside. Combine kadaylf shreds and melted butter in a pan. Break kadaylf shreds in butter blending well with tips of fingers. Divide into half. Spread one half in a slightly greased baking pan 25x25 cm (9x9 inch). Press with fingers slightly. Spread cheese over kadaylf shreds. Repeat the same with the remaining half, pressing firmly this time. Bake in a moderate oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven. Let stand for 2 minutes. Pour warm syrup over. Cover and let stand until syrup is absorbed. Cut into 5-6 cm (2-2 1/2 inch) pieces. Arrange on a serving plate. Serve warm.

12 servings

Nutritive Value (Approx. per serving):

     Energy ........:  516 cal  Sodium ..........:    72 mg
     Protein .......:   10.0 g  Vitamin A .......:   334 iu
     Fat ...........:   22.4 g  Thiamin (Bl) ....:  0.04 mg
     Carbohydrate ..:   68.8 g  Riboflavin (B2)..:  0.03 mg
     Calcium .......:   117 mg  Niacin ..........:  0.71 mg
     Iron ..........:  0.58 mg  Vitamin C .......:     - mg
     Phosphorus ....:   158 mg
     Zinc ..........:     1 mg  Cholesterol .....:     7 mg
Regional characteristics:

This form of kadayif is usually served warm following a full meal. Cottage, Ricotta or cream cheese can be substituted for cheese.